Peter Migliaccio
3 min readJan 9, 2022

Fix the money, fix the world

How can we fight climate change and reduce dependence on fossil. fuels when oil is priced in. USDollars and every barrel of oil sold in the world is bought with USDollars????

Wheres the incentive???

Think about it?

Its like if you were a car salesman for a company that sold both internal combustion engine cars and electric cars but your salary was only based on the sales of the gas guzzlers?

Think about it. You dont have to think too hard before you come to the realization that … wait so your saying… I never thought….wait.. holy shit … it cant be done. But what about the programs, the energy bills all the…

Yeah exactly, ALL misallocation of funds, a waste of time and effort, while all these government committees and experts hired to do studies and come up with plans get paid with your tax dollars. The government is stealing from you from right under your nose while it continues to contribute full steam ahead to the climate crisis. Nothing can change as long as the the petrodollar aka the global reserve currency remains the USDollar.

Our whole financial system, a debt based system requires increased consumption to function. How can one conserve when the system demands you consume? That consumption requires increased use of finite. resources. Our whole system is the cause of the climate crisis as we are the largest consumer of. the planets resources at an increasing rate, that what drives our economy. Any effort to reduce consumption is damaging to a debt driven economy. Its like trying to put out a forest fire with a few thimbles of water, each thimble chauffeured to the fire site in its own gas guzzling SUV. The hypocrisy is on such a grand scale, the illusion, the grand delusion, the false narratives, the. complicit media, the societal conditioning and mass distractions and coordination, financial and political incentives all designed to make you believe otherwise, when in fact what is destroying the planet is US policy and nothing we do will change that until we fight climate change at its source, the source being US fiscal policy.

China and Russia, the largest consumers of oil, are making concerted efforts to reduce their dependence on the dollar. As the dollar weakens the attractiveness of the US Dollar fades and is slowly being replaced by other currencies.

A crash might be the only thing to trigger a global change. Bitcoin can serve as a cushion and bridge to a financial system suited for the digital age. A digital dollar ( a stablecoin) for global transactions backed by a digital store of value, Bitcoin.

Peter Migliaccio
Peter Migliaccio

Written by Peter Migliaccio


GenX creative, recent Bitcoin convert

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