Peter Migliaccio
3 min readJan 1, 2022



Since March 2020, the cracks in the systems that hold society together have been increasingly revealed. Its also evident that going back to normal doesn’t exist as we emerge alongside the tech revolution. The window to reevaluate and adopt new systems is now. Many systems proved outdated and must be changed to coincide with a digital future. The financial cycle appears to be at a turning point as debt has reached unpayable extremes.

Change causes periods of discomfort so we as individuals and society tend to put off even the incremental steps required to move change. As a result, instead of a gradual transition we get a huge shock along with pain from the compounded discomfort we avoided. The longer we do nothing to incrementally facilitate change the worse its going to be and will most likely cause a societal breakdown as top to bottom remained unprepared or in denial. Rapid change and adoption of new models occurs when faced with no other choice as we’ve recently witnessed.

The global financial system, a majority of which is pegged to the USDollar is so fragile and over-leveraged that a collapse in a smaller more unstable economy could have a domino effect and move from the bottom up. I believe we are starting to see the beginning of a bottom up collapse. We could be on the brink of a global shutdown. We will need food, water, and power to survive such an event. Money will no longer be a relevent medium of exchange, barter will facilitate transactions.

This is a worst case scenario but some level of shock is going to take place. Some believe a series of manufactured events designed to shock the system and force change are about to launch. The Fed has painted itself into a corner forced to continue to print money. to keep the economy afloat which leads to increased inflation. If they stop printing money the Government would not be able to service their debt and go into default. The only solution is a global reset and that is a painful reality. A cyberattack on the financial industry looks like the event trigger that will force the change. This would also be the perfect “no choice” scenario to introduce the Central Bank Digital Currency. CBDC. The ultimate in government control.

Even if you dont understand Bitcoin you should get an amount to cover 3–6 months of living expenses. Along with that stockpile 3 months of basic food and water and other essentials.

EXCLUSIVE IMF, 10 countries simulate cyberattack on global financial system

Cyberattacks threaten stability of interconnected financial services


Google : cyberattack financial



Peter Migliaccio

GenX creative, recent Bitcoin convert